100 Day Risk Free Trial
100 Day Risk Free Trial
Got your order and not satisfied? No problem - just send it back for a full refund and we’ll cover the return postage costs.
Plus, all of our products are backed by a lifetime replacement guarantee. So if they ever break, even past the 100 day trial, simply send us an email and we’ll have a replacement sent out to you at
Free Shipping & Returns
Free Shipping & Returns
When you order today, you get free express delivery for your order. All orders are dispatched within 48 hours from our warehouse.
If you're not happy with your order, you can send them back at any time within the first 100 days for a full refund (we'll cover return postage costs).
Satisfaction Guarantee
Satisfaction Guarantee
With over 79,000 satisfied customers, we have proven the effectiveness and quality of our products. So we can confidently promise a 100% satisfaction guarantee. For any concerns, simply contact our competent customer service. We will take care of you immediately.
Order now and still benefit from our discount promotion and free shipping!